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Tracking script reference

The Swetrix.js is a highly customisable tracking script. The following is a reference of all the available functions and options it provides.


This fuction is used to initialise the analytics. Basically you're letting the script know which project do you want to use it with, as well as specifying your custom parameters if needed.

It takes two arguments:

  1. projectID - the ID of the project you want to use it with.
  2. options - an object with custom options.

Here's an example of how to use this function with all the available options:

swetrix.init('YOUR_PROJECT_ID', {
devMode: false,
disabled: false,
respectDNT: false,
apiURL: '',
NameDescriptionDefault value
devModeWhen set to true, localhost events will be sent to server.false
disabledWhen set to true, the tracking library won't send any data to server.
Useful for development purposes when this value is set based on '.env' var.
respectDNTBy setting this flag to true, we will not collect ANY kind of data about the user with the DNT setting.
This setting is not true by default because our service anonymises all incoming data and does not pass it on to any third parties under any circumstances.
apiURLSet a custom URL of the API server (for selfhosted variants of Swetrix).''



It is important to ensure that no Personal Data that could identify a specific individual is transmitted in a metadata or custom event name field. Personally identifiable information (PII) is any information that can uniquely identify an individual, including full name, email address, phone number, credit card number, etc. All other information is anonymised.

With this function you can track any custom events you want. You should never send any identifiable data (like User ID, email, session cookie, etc.) as an event name. The total number of track calls and their conversion rate will be saved.

Here's an example of how to use this function with all the available options:

unique: false,
NameDescriptionDefault value
evThe event identifier you want to track.
This has to be a string, which:
1. Contains only English letters (a-Z A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_) and dots (.).
2. Is fewer than 64 characters.
3. Starts with an English letter.
uniqueIf true, only 1 event with the same ID will be saved per user session.
The principle of this parameter is similar to page views and unique views.
metaAn object that contains event-related metadata. The values of the object must be strings, the maximum number of keys allowed is 20 and the total length of the values combined must be less than 1000 characters.
This feature is useful if you want to track additional data about your custom events, for example the custom event name might be Sign up and the metadata might be { affiliate: 'Yes', footer: 'No' }.


Calling trackViews will result in sending the data about the user to our servers. Such data will include the following params if available:

  1. pid - the unique Project ID request is related to.
  2. lc - users locale (e.g. en_US or uk_UA).
  3. tz - users timezone (e.g. Europe/Helsinki).
  4. ref - the URL of the previous webpage from which a page was opened.
  5. so - the page source ('ref' | 'source' | 'utm_source' GET param).
  6. me - UTM medium ('utm_medium' GET param).
  7. ca - UTM campaign ('utm_campaign' GET param).
  8. pg - the page user currently views (e.g. /hello).
  9. perf - an object which contains performance metrics related to the page load.

On the server side we also gather users IP Address and User Agent. This data is used to detect whether the page view is unique or not.

We DO NOT store neither IP Address nor User Agent as a raw strings, such data is stored as a salted hash for no longer than 30 minutes or 12:00 AM UTC, whatever happens first.

After this timeframe the identifiable data is forever deleted from our servers.

Here's an example of how to use this function with all the available options:

unique: false,
heartbeatOnBackground: false,
hash: false,
search: false,
callback: undefined,
NameDescriptionDefault value
uniqueIf true, only unique events will be saved. This param is useful when tracking single-page landing websites.false
callbackA callback used to edit / prevent sending pageviews.
It accepts an object with pageview event data as a parameter which has the following structure:
lc: string | undefined
tz: string | undefined
ref: string | undefined
so: string | undefined
me: string | undefined
ca: string | undefined
meta: object | undefined ("object" should contain string values only)
pg: string | null | undefined
prev: string | null | undefined

The callback is supposed to return the edited payload or false to prevent sending the pageview. If true is returned, the payload will be sent as-is.
heartbeatOnBackgroundSend Heartbeat requests when the website tab is not active in the browser.
Setting this to true means that users who opened your website in inactive browser tab or window will not be counted into users realtime statistics.
Setting this to true is usually useful for services like Spotify or Youtube.
hashSet to true to enable hash-based routing. For example if you have pages like /#/path or want to track pages like /path#hash.false
searchSet to true to enable search-based routing. For example if you have pages like /path?search. Although it's not recommended in most cases, you can set both hash and search to true at the same time, in which case the pageview event will be fired when either the hash or the search part of the URL changes (again, both the hash and the search are sent to the server).false

The trackViews function returns a Promise with an object with some methods allowing you to alter the behaviour of page tracking:

// This function stops the tracking of pages.
stop() {},


This function is used to manually track a page view event. It's useful if your application uses esoteric routing which is not supported by Swetrix by default.

This function accepts an object argument, that contains the following properties:

  1. payload - an object that contains pageview payload. Accepts same values as the trackViews function callback property.
  2. (optional) unique - if set to true, only 1 event with the same ID will be saved per user session.

Here are some examples of how to use this function:

// Track a page view with a path '/hello' and no previous page.
payload: {
pg: '/hello',

// Track a page view with a path '/hello', the previous page '/world' and some metadata.
payload: {
pg: '/hello',
prev: '/world',
lc: 'de-DE',
meta: {
author: 'Andrii',
type: 'story',


This function is used to enable automatic client-side error monitoring. It adds an error event listener on your site and when an error happens - send it to our APIs.

The data we collect includes the following params if available:

  1. pid - the unique Project ID request is related to.
  2. lc - users locale (e.g. en_US or uk_UA).
  3. tz - users timezone (e.g. Europe/Helsinki).
  4. pg - the page user currently views (e.g. /hello).
  5. name - error name (e.g. ParseError)
  6. message - error message (e.g. Malformed input)
  7. lineno / colno - on what line and column in your code did the error occur
  8. filename - in what file did the error occur

Here's an example of how to use this function with all the available options:

sampleRate: 1,
callback: undefined,
NameDescriptionDefault value
sampleRateA number that indicates how many errors should be sent to the server. Accepts values between 0 and 1. For example, if set to 0.5 - only ~50% of errors will be sent to Swetrix. For testing, we recommend setting this value to 1. For production, you should configure it depending on your needs as each error event counts towards your plan.1
callbackA callback used to edit / prevent sending errors. It accepts an object which contains some information about the error (name, message, lineno, colno, filename), as well as some regular analytics info (lc, tz, pg).
The callback is supposed to return the edited payload or false to prevent sending the pageview. If true is returned, the payload will be sent as-is.

The trackErrors function returns an object with some methods allowing you to alter the behaviour of page tracking:

// This function stops the tracking of errors.
stop() {},


This function is used to manually track an error event.

This function takes the following arguments:

  1. name - the error name (e.g. ParseError)
  2. (optional) message - error message (e.g. Malformed input)
  3. (optional) lineno - on what line in your code did the error occur (e.g. 1520)
  4. (optional) colno - on what column in your code did the error occur (e.g. 26)
  5. (optional) filename - in what file did the error occur (e.g.

Here is an example of how to use this function:

name: 'ParseError',
message: 'Malformed input',
lineno: 1520,
colno: 26,
filename: '',